AWF Blog
DuPont™ Froth Pak -Which One is Right for You?
DuPont™ Froth-Paks are a highly efficient way to seal your home from air leaks, while saving energy by reducing heating and cooling loss.The Basics:
A Froth-Pak™ kit comes with 2 separate tanks and an
applicator/hose assembly. 2 hoses lead out of the applicator gun and each hose
is attached to a separate tank. On the applicator gun is a socket where you
insert a replaceable tip. The tips come in several spray patterns.
These 2 tanks each contain different chemical
May 10th 2021
DuPont™ Spray Foam - Everything You Need to Know
Let's not waste any time...
DuPont™ Spray Foam comes in 2 types, two-part Froth Pak™ kits and single-part Great Stuff™ sealants.
DuPont™ Froth Pak™ two part polyurethane spray foam kits provide insulation and air sealing that fiberglass insulation cannot match. The typical R values advertised on fiberglass products are based upon perfect installation and do not take into account air leaks. In reality fiberglass batts don't seal gaps where air and moistu
May 5th 2021
So where are the Foam Cans with the Straw?
Most of you are familiar with the Dow Great Stuff foam sealants you see in your local home center or hardware store. Each can has a short plastic straw strapped to it, you attach the straw to the top of the can and operate it like a can of spray paint. This is great if you only need a small amount. You use it once and throw it away.
This dispensing method has several inherit problems.Do we sell the cans with straws? No.
Then what do we have?
The Great Stuff foam products we
Feb 17th 2021
Choosing the Right Spill Kit.
Why bother? Because whether we like it or not accidents will
happen. If you handle chemicals, oils or other liquids then you need to have a
plan in place to deal with a spill.So where to start.Make a good assessment of your workplace or facility.
You need to determine what kind(s) of spill kits you’ll
need, what sizes and how many.
Identify your problem areas. Where are liquids stored and
worked with? There may be multiple locations within your facility, loading
dock, store room, lab
Jul 20th 2016
Everything You Need To Know About Spill Kits: Materials and Response Procedure
Spill kits give you the tools to deal with the initial treatment and accident cleanup before things get out of hand.
The first thing you're going to want to know about our spill kits is the sorbents that go into making them, so…
Our Sorbents...
Our spill kits contain high quality durable Polypropylene sorbent materials designed to keep spills from spreading. These sorbents come in three types, Universal (the gray ones), Oil Only (the white ones), and Specialized/Chemical (coloring v
Feb 1st 2016
Flash and Batt - Is it right for you?
that time of year where you’re sitting in your house; it’s getting chilly; and you realize you need to insulate. When it comes to
insulation, you have quite a few options available: from crumpled newspaper, to
fiberglass batts, to spray foam, to recycled denim. So which one is right for
you? At AWarehouseFull, we recommend looking at a method called “Flash and
is Flash and Batt?
and Batt” combines the best qualities of two types of insulation, closed cell
Nov 26th 2015
Baby, It's Cold Outside!
Winter is here and it's COLD!
Cold Air that makes it difficult for you to work.
Cold Air that makes it difficult for some products to work.
Be aware which products are temperature sensitive.
Chiefly among these are products that rely on a chemical reaction to take
place, such as
Dow Froth Paks.
Instructions for Froth Paks
recommend they be sprayed in temperatures in the upper 70's. Like you, they like the warmth. Keep the tanks in
a warm room as long as possible;
Nov 10th 2014
Where are the Plastic Eagle Gas Cans?
We still get people looking for Plastic Eagle gas cans even though they haven't been made for a number of years. If you want one, look on eBay and find them described as "rare", "vintage" and "collectable".Other manufacturers still make plastic gas cans for home use but they lack important safety features designed to prevent explosion and fire. Instead, Eagle offers a safer alternative in their Type I and Type II safety cans.What are Type I and Type II safety cans? Type I and Type II s
Sep 11th 2014
When is Plasti Dip not Plasti Dip?
Better yet, when will Plasti Dip not be the same old Plasti
Dip?Answer: When it comes to your car.The number one reason our customers buy Plasti Dip is to
customize cars. Not just in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico, but everywhere.
Somewhere, a guy in Kazakhstan is spraying Plasti Dip on his car right
now. I kid you not. So Plasti Dip, not being blind, decided to do something
about it.First, they brought out new colors. Next, they brought out Rubber Dip
Spray. Rubber Dip Spray took s
Sep 4th 2014